티스토리 뷰
iOS AutoLayout
- What
다양한 iOS 기기 화면에 유연하게 대응하기 위해 만들어 졌습니다.
- How
Seven Commandments of AutoLayout And Guiding Principles of AutoLayout - from Udacity's AutoLayout Lecture
- Guiding Principles of AutoLayout
1. stackViews first, constraints later
2. start small, or not at all
3. work from the inside out
4. Trust the simulator only
5. Don't panic
- Seven Commandments of AutoLayout
1. Tweak The properties of the StackView
2. Use another StackView
3. Tweak the compression resistance or the hugging priority
4. Add constraints to the StackView
5. Add constraints to the views
6. To connect Views within different StackViews, use 5
7. If everything else fails, use a filler view(?)
2018/07/05 - [iOS] - [ios autolayout ]What is the StackView
2018/07/11 - [iOS] - [ios autolayout] simple stackview
2018/07/14 - [iOS] - [IOS AUTOLAYOUT] Nested Stack Views
2018/07/18 - [iOS] - [IOS AUTO LAYOUT] Dynamic Stack View
'iOS' 카테고리의 다른 글
[IOS AUTO LAYOUT] Dynamic Stack View (0) | 2018.07.18 |
[IOS AUTOLAYOUT] Nested Stack Views (0) | 2018.07.14 |
[ios autolayout] simple stackview (0) | 2018.07.11 |
[ios autolayout ]What is the StackView (0) | 2018.07.05 |
[iOS Autolayout] Why stackViews first, constraints later (0) | 2018.05.21 |